Sunday, September 25, 2016

Autumn vibes

 Let´s talk why I love autumn.I love autumn because mornings are dark and foggy. The air is wonderfully fresh and you can  get yourself awake when you go out for a walk. All trees are colorfull and some of leaves drop to the ground and that landscape is amazing.
In my opinion in autumn everyone has the right for relaxing. Autumn nights are perect time for relaxing. Burning candles and cozy home with big and warm blankets are something what makes your home ready for autumn and winter. Autumn is also perfect time for read some books and drink hot chocolate.

Here was some things what are important for me in autumn and what makes me ready for converging winter.

Traveling plans

If I only had the time and the money, I wouldn't be doing anything but traveling. One of the biggest pleasures for me is the planning part - I could spend hours, days and even weeks planning the itinerary, comparing different flights, think about accommodation options etc.

Right now I don't have even one trip planned. I would love to have a little weekend getaway in some European city, such as London, Amsterdam or Paris. On the other hand I really want to just travel around the world with just my backpack, visiting at least some countries in Asia, South-America and Africa. 

I couldn't agree more with these words: "travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer".